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save from liver cancer

Fatty liver is now a days a common problem worldwide. In India, its prevalence is about 10 to 30%.  It is a leading cause of chronic liver disease and Liver Cancer globally.  It is strongly associated with obesity , diabetes, consuming high fat and simple carbohydrate diet, alcohol. It signifies deposition of fat [high cholesterol, triglycerides] in the liver which can advance to liver inflammation and later cirrhosis of liver and finally liver cancer. Majority of patients with Fatty liver are asymptomatic and are incidentally  diagnosed on abdominal ultrasound. Thay may also present with non-specific symptoms such as fatigue or vague abdominal pain. Evaluation requires Liver function tests, Fibroscan, Fasting lipid profile among others.

Apart from medications,  Lifestyle modification is an important part of treatment, including dietary changes and exercise, with the primary goal being weight loss. Ideal weight loss goal is  7%-10%.

Caloric restriction is important to eliminate the accumulated fat in liver.

Diet plan/ Fatty liver diet

Foods to avoid

saturated fat- red meat [beef, pork] , butter ; sugar ;  refined carbs like white bread, pasta;  alcohol ; added fructose like soft beverages; salt ; fried food- french fries, chips, chicken wings, doughnuts

Foods to Consume [ Best foods to eat for fatty liver]– 

low fat and low fine carbs and sugar diet , contain mainly proteins, complex carbohydrates [like oats, brown rice, quinoa, whole grain cereals], fruits, green vegetables , cruciferous vegetables [ cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli],  salads, low fat dairy.  Other Helpful food items include coffee, avocado, whey protein, green tea, olive oil, nuts n seeds, egg white, Coconut oil.

Aerobic exercise regimen

walking/ jogging / running/ cycling for atleat 45 mins / day for 5 days/ week

Control your Diabetes/ Dyslipdiemia

Consume plenty of water Take sound sleep

Complication of fatty liver-

NASH, Liver fibrosis, Liver cirrhosis, Liver Cancer

Stages of fatty liver- steatosis, NASH, Liver cirrhosis, Liver cancer

REMEMBER- Fatty liver can be Reversed with Integrated treatment !


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