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It is hoped that this review will help the authors in their career in medical writing. The author thanks Dr. Hemant Deshmukh – Dean, Seth G. Saudi J Anaesth. Milind S. Tullu Department of Pediatrics, Seth G. Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer.
Address for correspondence: Dr. E-mail: moc. This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC.
Abstract This article deals with formulating a suitable title and an appropriate abstract for an original research paper. Key words: Abbreviations, aims, article, author, conclusions, database, indexing, keywords, manuscript, medical writing, message, methods, paper, research, results, summary. The Title The details of the title are discussed under the subheadings of importance, types, drafting, and checklist.
Types of titles Titles can be descriptive, declarative, or interrogative. Declarative title This title states the main finding of the study in the title itself; it reduces the curiosity of the reader, may point toward a bias on the part of the author, and hence is best avoided. Interrogative title This is the one which has a query or the research question in the title.
Drafting a suitable title A stepwise process can be followed to draft the appropriate title. Open in a separate window. The Abstract The details of the abstract are discussed under the subheadings of importance, types, drafting, and checklist. Importance of the abstract The abstract is a summary or synopsis of the full research paper and also needs to have similar characteristics like the title. Types of abstracts The abstracts can be structured or unstructured.
Descriptive and Informative abstracts Descriptive abstracts are short 75— words , only portray what the paper contains without providing any more details; the reader has to read the full paper to know about its contents and are rarely used for original research papers. The abstract should have simple language and phrases rather than sentences It should be informative, cohesive, and adhering to the structure subheadings provided by the target journal. Concluding Remarks This review article has given a detailed account of the importance and types of titles and abstracts.
Financial support and sponsorship Nil. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest. Acknowledgement The author thanks Dr. References 1. Moss F. Titles, abstracts, and authors. In: Hall GM, editor. How to Write a Paper, rd ed.
Tullu MS, Karande S. Writing a model research paper: A roadmap. J Postgrad Med. Dewan P, Gupta P. Writing the title, abstract and introduction: Looks matter! Indian Pediatr. Bavdekar SB. Formulating the right title for a research article. J Assoc Physicians India. Annesley TM. The title says it all. Clin Chem. Caramelli B. The title: Herald of scientific communication. Rev Assoc Med Bras. Writing an abstract for a research manuscript: Providing an honest, succinct and complete summary.
Anstey A. Writing style: Abstract thoughts. Br J Dermatol. Writing a research abstract: Eloquence in miniature. Int Angiol. The abstract and the elevator talk: A tale of two summaries. Abstract — The trailer of scientific communication. Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part II: Title and abstract. J Clin Epidemiol. Andrade C. How to write a good abstract for a scientific paper or conference presentation. Indian J Psychiatry. Recommendations for the conduct, reporting, editing and publication of scholarly work in medical journals.
Updated December Sagi I, Yechiam E. Amusing titles in scientific journals and article citation. J Inform Sci. Jamali HR, Nikzad M. The pilot test can be used to refine and clarify the eligibility criteria, train the people who will be applying them and ensure that the criteria can be applied consistently by more than one person. During the selection process it is crucial to keep track of the number of references and subsequently the number of studies so that a flow diagram can be constructed.
The decision and reasons for exclusion can be tracked using reference management software, a simple document or spreadsheet, or using specialist systematic review software see Section 4. Broad categorizations are sufficient for records classed as potentially eligible during an initial screen. At least one explicit reason for their exclusion must be documented.
Lists of included and excluded studies must be based on studies rather than records. This covers all studies that may, on the surface, appear to meet the eligibility criteria but which, on further inspection, do not. It also covers those that do not meet all of the criteria but are well known and likely to be thought relevant by some readers.
By listing such studies as excluded and giving the primary reason for exclusion, the review authors can show that consideration has been given to these studies.
The list of excluded studies should be as brief as possible. It should not list all of the reports that were identified by an extensive search. In particular, it should not list studies that are obviously not randomized if the review includes only randomized trials. An extensive search for eligible studies in a systematic review can often identify thousands of records that need to be manually screened.
Selecting studies from within these records can be a particularly time-consuming, laborious and logistically challenging aspect of conducting a systematic review. Software to support the selection process, along with other stages of a systematic review, including text mining tools, can be identified using the Systematic Review Toolbox. The SR Toolbox is a community driven, web-based catalogue of tools that provide support for systematic reviews Marshall and Brereton Managing the selection process can be challenging, particularly in a large-scale systematic review that involves multiple reviewers.
Basic productivity tools can help such as word processors, spreadsheets, and reference management software , and several purpose-built systems that support multiple concurrent users are also available that offer support for the study selection process. Software for managing the selection process can be identified using the Systematic Review Toolbox mentioned above. Compatibility with other software tools used in the review process such as RevMan may be a consideration when selecting a tool to support study selection.
Should specialist software not be available, Bramer and colleagues have developed a method for using the widely available software EndNote X7 for managing the screening process Bramer et al Research into automating the study selection process through machine learning and text mining has received considerable attention over recent years, resulting in the development of various tools and techniques for reviewers to consider.
The use of automated tools has the potential to reduce the workload involved with selecting studies significantly Thomas et al Cochrane has also implemented a screening workflow called Screen4Me. Cochrane author teams conducting intervention reviews that incorporate RCTs can access this workflow via the Cochrane Register of Studies. To date January , Screen4Me has been used in over 50 Cochrane intervention reviews. Workload reduction in terms of screening burden varies depending on the prevalence of RCTs in the domain area and the sensitivity of the searches conducted.
In addition to learning from large datasets such as those generated by Cochrane Crowd, it is also possible for machine learning models to learn how to apply eligibility criteria for individual reviews. It is difficult for authors to determine in advance when it is safe to stop screening and allow some records to be eliminated automatically without manual assessment. Recent work has suggested that this barrier is not insurmountable, and that it is possible to estimate how many relevant records remain to be found based on the sample already screened Sneyd and Stevenson , Callaghan and Muller-Hansen , Li and Kanoulas The automatic elimination of records using this approach has not been recommended for use in Cochrane Reviews at the time of writing.
This active learning process can still be useful, however, since by prioritizing records for screening in order of relevance, it enables authors to identify the studies that are most likely to be included much earlier in the screening process than would otherwise be possible. Finally, tools are available that use natural language processing to highlight sentences and key phrases automatically e.
PICO elements, trial characteristics, details of randomization to support the reviewer whilst screening Tsafnat et al Many of the sources listed in this chapter and the accompanying online Technical Supplement have been brought to our attention by a variety of people over the years and we should like to acknowledge this.
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Version 2: November. Should unpublished data be included in meta-analyses? Current convictions and controversies. JAMA ; : Defining the process to literature searching in systematic reviews: a literature review of guidance and supporting studies.
Revisiting the need for a literature search narrative: A brief methodological note. Research Synthesis Methods b; 9 : Evaluating the effectiveness, efficiency, cost and value of contacting study authors in a systematic review: a case study and worked example.
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Influences on the outcome of literature searches for integrative research reviews. Science Communication ; 10 : Craven J, Levay P. Recording database searches for systematic reviews – What is the value of adding a narrative to peer-review checklists? A case study of NICE interventional procedures guidance. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice ; 6 : Chapter 7: Searching for studies.
What time-lag for a retraction search on PubMed? BMC Research Notes ; 7 : Information science. Going, going, gone: lost Internet references. Science ; : Restoring invisible and abandoned trials: a call for people to publish the findings. BMJ ; : f Identifying studies for systematic reviews of diagnostic tests was difficult due to the poor sensitivity and precision of methodologic filters and the lack of information in the abstract. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 58 : Publication bias in clinical research.
Identification of randomized controlled trials in systematic reviews: accuracy and reliability of screening records. Statistics in Medicine ; 21 : Language bias in randomised controlled trials published in English and German. Egger M, Smith GD. Bias in location and selection of studies. BMJ ; : How important are comprehensive literature searches and the assessment of trial quality in systematic reviews?
Empirical study. Health Technology Assessment ; 7 : How do authors of systematic reviews deal with research malpractice and misconduct in original studies? A cross-sectional analysis of systematic reviews and survey of their authors. BMJ Open ; 6 : e Embase Classic Fact Sheet; Embase in Fact Sheet; Embase content coverage; Process of information retrieval for systematic reviews and health technology assessments on clinical effectiveness.
European Food Safety Authority. Application of systematic review methodology to food and feed safety assessments to support decision making.
EFSA Journal ; 8 : Eysenbach G, Trudel M. Going, going, still there: using the WebCite service to permanently archive cited web pages.
Journal of Medical Internet Research ; 7 : e A capture-recapture analysis demonstrated that randomized controlled trials evaluating the impact of diagnostic tests on patient outcomes are rare.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 65 : Identification of problems in search strategies in Cochrane Reviews. Searching for qualitative health research required several databases and alternative search strategies: a study of coverage in bibliographic databases. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology a; : PubMed coverage varied across specialties and over time: a large-scale study of included studies in Cochrane reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology b; : The evolving role of preprints in the dissemination of COVID research and their impact on the science communication landscape.
PLoS Biology ; 19 : e Cochrane Rapid Reviews Methods Group offers evidence-informed guidance to conduct rapid reviews. Single-reviewer abstract screening missed 13 percent of relevant studies: a crowd-based, randomized controlled trial. Characteristics of academic publications, preprints, and registered clinical trials on the COVID pandemic.
PLoS One ; 15 : e Searching ClinicalTrials. A digital media strategy to obtain unpublished data for a systematic review yields a very high author response rate. Pharmaceutical companies’ policies on access to trial data, results, and methods: audit study. Greenhalgh T, Peacock R. Effectiveness and efficiency of search methods in systematic reviews of complex evidence: audit of primary sources.
The role of Google Scholar in evidence reviews and its applicability to grey literature searching. PLoS One ; 10 : e Value and usability of unpublished data sources for systematic reviews and network meta-analyses.
Evidence-based Medicine ; 21 : Using data sources beyond PubMed has a modest impact on the results of systematic reviews of therapeutic interventions. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 68 : The contribution of databases to the results of systematic reviews: a cross-sectional study. Grey literature in systematic reviews: a cross-sectional study of the contribution of non-English reports, unpublished studies and dissertations to the results of meta-analyses in child-relevant reviews.
Retrospective and prospective identification of unpublished controlled trials: lessons from a survey of obstetricians and pediatricians. Pediatrics ; 84 : Hinde S, Spackman E. Bidirectional citation searching to completion: an exploration of literature searching methods. Pharmacoeconomics ; 33 : Horton R. Medical editors trial amnesty.
Evaluation of PICO as a knowledge representation for clinical questions. Failure of investigational drugs in late-stage clinical development and publication of trial results.
Should systematic reviewers search for randomized, controlled trials published as letters? Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. Cologne; Institute of Medicine.
Finding what works in health care: Standards for systematic reviews. Irvin E, Hayden J. Developing and testing an optimal search strategy for identifying studies of prognosis [Poster] 14th Cochrane Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland; October Challenges of identifying unpublished data from clinical trials: getting the best out of clinical trials registers and other novel sources.
Research Synthesis Methods When to include clinical study reports and regulatory documents in systematic reviews. Review of Cochrane reviews on acupuncture: how Chinese resources contribute to Cochrane reviews.
Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine ; 19 : Direction and impact of language bias in meta-analyses of controlled trials: empirical study. International Journal of Epidemiology ; 31 : The capture-mark-recapture technique can be used as a stopping rule when searching in systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 62 : Systematic examination of preprint platforms for use in the medical and biomedical sciences setting.
BMJ Open ; 10 : e Trial registry searches for randomized controlled trials of new drugs required registry-specific adaptation to achieve adequate sensitivity. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 94 : Information on new drugs at market entry: retrospective analysis of health technology assessment reports versus regulatory reports, journal publications, and registry reports. BMJ ; : h How health technology assessment agencies address the issue of unpublished data.
Ten years after the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ clinical trial registration initiative, one quarter of phase 3 pediatric epilepsy clinical trials still remain unpublished: a cross sectional analysis. PLoS One ; 11 : e Capture-mark-recapture as a tool for estimating the number of articles available for systematic reviews in critical care medicine.
Journal of Critical Care ; 28 : Layton D. A critical review of search strategies used in recent systematic reviews published in selected prosthodontic and implant-related journals: Are systematic reviews actually systematic? International Journal of Prosthodontics ; 30 : Publication of clinical trials supporting successful new drug applications: a literature analysis. PLoS Medicine ; 5 : e Emerging Themes in Epidemiology ; 5 : Methodological developments in searching for studies for systematic reviews: past, present and future?
Systematic Reviews ; 2 : Lefebvre C, Duffy S. Peer review of searches for studies for health technology assessments, systematic reviews, and other evidence syntheses. Li D, Kanoulas E. Cultures of evidence across policy sectors: systematic review of qualitative evidence. European Journal of Public Health ; 24 : How useful are unpublished data from the Food and Drug Administration in meta-analysis?
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 56 : Manheimer E, Anderson D. Survey of public information about ongoing clinical trials funded by industry: evaluation of completeness and accessibility. Marshall C, Brereton P. Systematic review toolbox: a catalogue of tools to support systematic reviews. Machine learning for identifying randomized controlled trials: an evaluation and practitioner’s guide.
A study of the value of requesting information from drug manufacturers for systematic reviews; 9 years of experience from the drug effectiveness review project. Systematic Reviews ; 7 : Journal of Clinical Epidemiology b; 75 : Impact of librarians on reporting of the literature searching component of pediatric systematic reviews.
Metzendorf M-I. Why medical information specialists should routinely form part of teams producing high quality systematic reviews — a Cochrane perspective. Frandsen et al. Contacting of authors modified crucial outcomes of systematic reviews but was poorly reported, not systematic, and produced conflicting results.
The inclusion of reports of randomised trials published in languages other than English in systematic reviews. The effect of English-language restriction on systematic review-based meta-analyses: a systematic review of empirical studies. Reporting quality of search methods in systematic reviews of HIV behavioral interventions — : are the searches clearly explained, systematic and reproducible?
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Developing NICE guidelines: the manual. London: Process and methods [PMG20]; Niederstadt C, Droste S. Reporting and presenting information retrieval processes: the need for optimizing common practice in health technology assessment. An evaluation of Cochrane Crowd found that crowdsourcing produced accurate results in identifying randomized trials. Cochrane Centralised Search Service showed high sensitivity identifying randomized controlled trials: A retrospective analysis. Excluding non-English publications from evidence-syntheses did not change conclusions: a meta-epidemiological study.
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BMC Medicine ; 18 : The science of reviewing research. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ; : ; discussion Tools for assessing risk of reporting biases in studies and syntheses of studies: a systematic review. BMJ Open ; 8 : e BMJ a; : n PRISMA explanation and elaboration: updated guidance and exemplars for reporting systematic reviews.
BMJ b; : n Clinical trial registries: more international, converging efforts are needed. Trials ; 18 : Petticrew M, Roberts H.
Oxford UK : Blackwell; Language of publication restrictions in systematic reviews gave different results depending on whether the intervention was conventional or complementary. Pieper D, Puljak L. Language restrictions in systematic reviews should not be imposed in the search strategy but in the eligibility criteria if necessary. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine ; 11 : Methods for documenting systematic review searches: a discussion of common issues.
Relevo R, Paynter R. Peer Review of Search Strategies. Librarian co-authors correlated with higher quality reported search strategies in general internal medicine systematic reviews. Systematic Reviews ; 10 : An e-mail survey identified unpublished studies for systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 59 : A review of meta-analyses.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research ; 87 : The well-built clinical question: a key to evidence-based decisions. Poor reporting of search strategy and conflict of interest in over narrative and systematic reviews of two biologic agents in arthritis: a systematic review.
Royle P, Milne R. Literature searching for randomized controlled trials used in Cochrane reviews: rapid versus exhaustive searches. Royle P, Waugh N. Should systematic reviews include searches for published errata? Errors in search strategies used in systematic reviews and their effects on information retrieval. Should meta-analysts search Embase in addition to Medline? An alternative to the hand searching gold standard: Validating methodological search filters using relative recall.
Sampson M, McGowan J. Errors in search strategies were identified by type and frequency. No consensus exists on search reporting methods for systematic reviews. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 61 : Research Synthesis Methods ; 2 : Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 78 : Authors report lack of time as main reason for unpublished research presented at biomedical conferences: a systematic review.
Searching for unpublished data for Cochrane reviews: cross sectional study. Pinpointing needles in giant haystacks: use of text mining to reduce impractical screening workload in extremely large scoping reviews.
Use of cost-effectiveness analysis to compare the efficiency of study identification methods in systematic reviews. Sneyd A, Stevenson M. Roles for librarians in systematic reviews: a scoping review. Use of the capture-recapture technique to evaluate the completeness of systematic literature searches.
Peer review of literature search strategies: does it make a difference? Spry C, Mierzwinski-Urban M. The impact of the peer review of literature search strategies in support of rapid review reports. Stevinson C, Lawlor DA. Searching multiple databases for systematic reviews: added value or diminishing returns? Complementary Therapies in Medicine ; 12 : Controlled Clinical Trials ; 21 : Living systematic reviews: 2.
Combining human and machine effort. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology ; 91 : Machine learning reduced workload with minimal risk of missing studies: development and evaluation of a randomized controlled trial classifier for Cochrane Reviews. Impact of covert duplicate publication on meta-analysis: a case study. Systematic review automation technologies. Systematic Reviews ; 3 : US National Library of Medicine.
PubMed Overview no date. Viergever RF, Li K. Trends in global clinical trial registration: an analysis of numbers of registered clinical trials in different parts of the world from to BMJ Open ; 5 : e Different patterns of duplicate publication: an analysis of articles used in systematic reviews. Single screening versus conventional double screening for study selection in systematic reviews: a methodological systematic review.
Dividend from other potential sources of randomised controlled trials. Unpublished research from a medical specialty meeting: why investigators fail to publish. Impact of document type on reporting quality of clinical drug trials: a comparison of registry reports, clinical study reports, and journal publications. Witkowski MA, Aldhouse N. Transparency and reproducibility of supplementary search methods in NICE single technology appraisal manufacturer submissions.
Value in Health ; 18 : A Woods D, Trewheellar K. Medline and Embase complement each other in literature searches. Wright K, McDaid C.
Reporting of article retractions in bibliographic databases and online journals. Journal of the Medical Library Association ; 99 : Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traditional Chinese medicine must search Chinese databases to reduce language bias.
Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine ; : Analysis of the reporting of search strategies in Cochrane systematic reviews. Journal of the Medical Library Association ; 97 : Young T, Hopewell S. Methods for obtaining unpublished data. Ziel J. BMC Palliative Care ; 17 : For permission to re-use material from the Handbook either academic or commercial , please see here for full details.
Top menu Contact Cochrane. Studies not reports of studies are included in Cochrane Reviews but identifying reports of studies is currently the most convenient approach to identifying the majority of studies and obtaining information about them and their results. Trials registers should be searched for all Cochrane Reviews and other sources such as regulatory agencies and clinical study reports CSRs are increasingly important for identifying study results.
Searches should aim for high sensitivity, which may result in relatively low precision. Search strategies should avoid using too many different search concepts but a wide variety of search terms should be combined with OR within each included concept. Both free-text and subject headings e.
C19 : Planning the search Mandatory Plan in advance the methods to be used for identifying studies. C25 : Searching specialist bibliographic databases Highly desirable Search appropriate national, regional and subject-specific bibliographic databases.
C31 : Searching by contacting relevant individuals and organizations Highly desirable Contact relevant individuals and organizations for information about unpublished or ongoing studies. C27 : Searching trials registers Mandatory Search trials registers and repositories of results, where relevant to the topic, through ClinicalTrials. C28 : Searching for grey literature Highly desirable Search relevant grey literature sources such as reports, dissertations, theses and conference abstracts.
C29 : Searching within other reviews Highly desirable Search within previous reviews on the same topic. C30 : Searching reference lists Mandatory Check reference lists in included studies and any relevant systematic reviews identified.
C26 : Searching for different types of evidence Mandatory If the review has specific eligibility criteria around study design to address adverse effects, economic issues or qualitative research questions, undertake searches to address them. C32 : Structuring search strategies for bibliographic databases Mandatory Inform the structure of search strategies in bibliographic databases around the main concepts of the review, using appropriate elements from PICO and study design.
C33 : Developing search strategies for bibliographic databases Mandatory Identify appropriate controlled vocabulary e. C35 : Restricting database searches Mandatory Justify the use of any restrictions in the search strategy on publication date and publication format.
C48 : Examining errata Mandatory Examine any relevant retraction statements and errata for information. C37 : Rerunning searches Mandatory Rerun or update searches for all relevant sources within 12 months before publication of the review or review update, and screen the results for potentially eligible studies.
C38 : Incorporating findings from rerun searches Highly desirable Fully incorporate any studies identified in the rerun or update of the search within 12 months before publication of the review or review update. C36 : Documenting the search process Mandatory Document the search process in enough detail to ensure that it can be reported correctly in the review. C42 : Collating multiple reports Mandatory Collate multiple reports of the same study, so that each study, rather than each report, is the unit of interest in the review.
C39 : Making inclusion decisions Mandatory Use at least two people working independently to determine whether each study meets the eligibility criteria, and define in advance the process for resolving disagreements. C19 : Planning the search Mandatory. C25 : Searching specialist bibliographic databases Highly desirable. C27 : Searching trials registers Mandatory. C28 : Searching for grey literature Highly desirable.
C29 : Searching within other reviews Highly desirable. Search within previous reviews on the same topic. C30 : Searching reference lists Mandatory.
C26 : Searching for different types of evidence Mandatory. C32 : Structuring search strategies for bibliographic databases Mandatory. Reports retrieved. Reports not retrieved. Relevant reports. Relevant reports retrieved a. Relevant reports not retrieved b.
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